Exciting vegan meals ready in 10 minutes!

Freshly prepared frozen meals that help you eat healthy and balanced when you don't have time or feel like cooking.

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How does it work?

1. Build your box

Choose from a diverse range of freshly made plant-based meals.

2. Flexible delivery

Choose the delivery date that suits you. The products will be delivered frozen.

3. Heat up and enjoy

Within 10 minutes, you'll have a complete meal on your plate. Easily prepared in the oven or microwave.

Highlight of the week

Positive change

With the climate crisis urging individuals to reduce their carbon footprint, switching to a vegan diet has become one of the most effective measures. By introducing people to plant-based food in a positive way, we believe we can make a positive impact on the environment

Frequently asked questions

Have no idea which meal you like best? No problem! With our tasting pack, you can taste a new meal every time.

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