Pina Panang Curry

Thai Panang curry with steamed vegetables and a tropical twist. Now with 25% discount since the "best before" date is near and we don't love wasting food.

Kid friendly

Source of fibre

Mild spicy

Zonder nuts



Chef's tip

Add Thai basil and/or coriander for freshness

Prepare and Store

Oven (180°C): 35-40 min / Microwave (650W): 9-11 min.


52.5% Vood Curry groente (wortelen, broccoli, vegan filet stukjes (gerehydrateerd SOJA-eiwit (90.2%),

koolzaadolie, alcoholazijn, gistextract, aroma), ananas, zoete aardappel, paprika rood, erwten,

SOJAbonen) 25.0% Vood curry saus (kokosmelk (kokosmelk, water), ui, PINDAkaas, Pang curry

(gedroogde Spaanse peper, citroengras, sjalot, knoflook, zout, kaffir limoenschil, laos, komijnpoeder,

korianderzaad), citroensap (citroensap, conserveermiddel (E224) (SULFIET)), gember schaafsel

(gember, suiker, water), chipotlesaus (water, gehydrateerde chipotle-pepers, tomatenpuree,

rietsuikerazijn, plantaardige olie, zout, gemodificeerde mais zetmeel, uienpoeder, knoflookpoeder en

kruiden), limoen blad) 22.5% Vood basmatirijst (water, zilvervlies basmatirijst, zeezout (bevat

antiklontermiddel E535))

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