Taj Ma Dahl

Red lentil dahl of bell pepper, coconut and spices with broccolini and whole wheat basmati. Now with 40% discount since the "best before" date is passed and we don't love wasting food.

Extra protein

Kid friendly

Mild spicy

Zonder gluten



Chef's tip

add a fresh squeeze of lime

Prepare and Store

Oven (180°C): 35-40 min / Microwave (650W): 9-11 min. Ten minste houdbaar tot 10 februari.


Rode linzen 23%, zilvervlies basmatirijst [water, zilvervliesrijst] 21%, courgette 15%, paprika, broccoli 10%, kokosmelk [kokosnoot, water], ui, kokosvlokken [kokos, E220 (SULFIET) 1%, gember, raapzaadolie, tamari [water, SOJAbonen, rijst, water, zout, aroma], korianderblad, zeezout, agavesiroop, knoflook, kurkuma poeder, karwijzaad, MOSTERDzaad, rode chilipeper, gerookte paprika poeder, zwarte peper.

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